Educated Toe Football Tale-Frankenstein Text

About stendekk

UPDATE: All my posts with more than a dozen (12) images are now published exclusively in Tumblr. Posts with only seven (7) images can also only be found at Tumblr. IMPORTANT NOTICE: My thousands of pages are archived and easily accessible at Happy hunting! Hello. God bless you! I am legally blind. My diabetic wife has permanent kidney damage. We are raising our granddaughter in a single bedroom public housing unit. Both my wife and I are disabled but feds will only allow one benefit check per household. Regardless of how many individuals in specified household are disabled. Guess politicians need funds more than we do. Uh huh! Tough to meet necessities for three people on just over $1,000 per month. Oh well, things could be worse. I was an investigative reporter for over three decades! Time has dimmed my vision but not my thirst for truth. I was an honest-to-gosh card carrying member of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization of the late Jim and Coral Lorenzen. Also once possessed disc charged by PK Man Ted Owens. Want fairy tales? Read The Warren Commission Report and the Condon Report. Fantasy at its finest! All financed by United States taxpayers. There is a worldwide coverup of unidentified flying objects, a huge land mass under the interior of our planet. uncatalogued man-like entities, uncatalogued lake and deep sea life and uncatalogued dinosaur-like animals in still unexplored regions. The Cottingley fairy photographs are not the cut-and-dried hoax skeptics make them out to be. Transparent cardboard? I think not! I actually saw the elusive thunderbird photograph! I, like most, surmised that since it was published in a national magazine it would not be difficult to locate. WRONG! My long-term memory is somewhat faulty but I have two tidbits which may assist thunderbird photo seekers. The comic book I purchased was either an X-Men #30 or #31 published by Marvel Comics. That provides a viable time frame. I seem to recall that the photo was in a western type publication with the words Gold Rush somewhere on cover. That is all I can remember. Thunderbird was nailed to side of structure (barn?) with several individuals standing around. Hope that is enough information to help someone locate the blasted thing! Oh, it was a pterodactyl. Some know-it-all remembers it being a big bird. NOPE! The thing was a pterodactyl. Authentic? Who knows? Who really cares? Those who viewed it just want it to surface one more time. Every purchase is appreciated and needed! Please keep watching!
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